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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Script Finished!!!

Today we all met at my house. We had some idea of what we were doing but not much. So we began our thought process. For our credits in the beginning, we still aren't completely sure on what we our doing but we have two great ideas. One we type a bunch of stuff in green coding and in the middle of the screen it is a fast motion video of the screen typing the credits. The other Blake came up with and since his computer wasn't on him today I'm not completely sure how his idea is gonna work. He said he can program it in a way where he can make the screen split and make other windows pop up with our credits. It sounds cool but we are going to make the decision when we begin to film. I believe it will look something like this.

We wanted to make the first scene of three different news reporters from three different stations telling the same story about the hacker. So we are trying to come up with different accents to enforce this. I know that I am the worst at accents so I will be from America. Not really sure where the other two are gonna be from but we will figure it out! All three of us are going to explain about the hacker named "IP". We named the hacker this because IP is an Internet Protocol and we thought that was genius. This whole part is going to look and sound like someone is watching it. Its not going to be just the direct screen. We are going to use Photo Booth, which is on Apple computers.
     Once the reporters say what they need to say its going to exit the page and go back to green coding. So now the audience is in the hackers point of view. Granted, they still don't know the hackers identity, this keeps them interested and provides the element of suspense that is so important in thriller movies. He will type a few things ad then turn his computer off. The audience will see his reflection on the computer screen and then BAMN our title will appear. We still don't know our title but our temporary one is Hacked.
     Of course, we need to tweak a few things, but we are planning on recording Saturday, March 18. We are super excited and hope this film looks as good as it does in the picture in our heads.

   "IP." Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2017.


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